Friday, January 21, 2011

Let us begin with a nod and a toast...

I hate choosing names for anything. Which is a change for me, since one of my favorite pastimes as a child was to look through a baby name book and create lists of my favorite names. Each of my stuffed animals and the one pet fish I had each had a very carefully chosen name, based on sound and meaning. Thankfully, my husband and I had a relatively easy time choosing our son's name.

But to have to choose a title for a blog? Ridiculous! How does one sum up his or her purposes for a blog for which he or she has no idea what it will turn out to be, how long that blog will last, and who will read that blog? It seems much more appropriate to assign a name at the termination of a blog. Yet the powers that be in blogger world have asked me to assign a name, and so I have chosen "Come, Be My Light". The name is (more than) a nod to a book I recently read: Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light, edited by Brian Kolodiejchuck. Reading it brought great relief into a time of spiritual and emotional chaos and since I will likely be writing about such things on this blog the title seemed fitting.

You might be wondering why I am choosing to join the blogging world so late in the game. Aren't blogs a little passe? Perhaps. But there are a few blogs out there that have changed my life and continue to challenge me towards better ways of thinking and living. So, to those who have let me read, thank you. I have received a great deal of satisfaction and encouragement from you. I propose a toast in your honor.

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